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This recording features our Town Hall from September 16th, 2024
This recording features our Town Hall from June 3rd, 2024
This recording features our Tax Town Hall from November 7th, 2022
Check out this educational webinar for important information on why taxes are different in retirement and ways to avoid key pitfalls in how you harvest income from various accounts. You will learn how to understand the current tax rules, identify misconceptions about your taxes in retirement, utilize the tools and strategies available to middle income retirees, and implement an action plan.
In this Woman’s Webinar we discuss what a life transition is, how it can affect your well-being, and how to prepare your finances. Our fantastic line-up of speakers includes Janet Rucker-Smith (Certified Life Coach), Rachel Gustafson (Financial Planner), and Elin Severson (Estate Planning Attorney).
Learn how to grow the best tomatoes from our local gardener experts!
Regardless of where you are in the college savings process, there are effective strategies that can help you succeed. In this 2-part series, Rachel Gustafson a Certified College Planning Specialist™, is going to focus on the steps to help save for & pay for the college education of your children or grandchildren. In this session we will focus on paying for college. We will take a deep dive into the FAFSA & CSS Profile forms and discuss what goes into Expected Family Contribution (EFC) for Financial Aid purposes.
Regardless of where you are in the college savings process, there are effective strategies that can help you succeed. In this 2-part series, Rachel Gustafson a Certified College Planning Specialist™, is going to focus on the steps to help save for & pay for the college education of your children or grandchildren. In this session we will focus on how you can start saving for your child’s education. We will cover the 3 steps to funding college, which include estimating costs, reviewing various college savings options, and evaluating additional funding sources and strategies.
A highly infectious virus is spreading around the world, this global health crisis has created a global financial crisis. In this webinar we will help you learn about some of the big changes that effect your retirement so you can try to maximize your finances and plan for how best to weather this unprecedented storm.
FOOD & FINANCE FRIDAYS - In this week's session we will break down some of the complexity surrounding Medicare and look at how it is intertwined with Social Security. We will have special guest, Jeff Klein of Smart health explain what to expect when applying for benefits.
WOMEN & WEALTH WEDNESDAYS - In this month's session we will cover the fundamentals of investing and 3 ways women are better investors than men.
FOOD & FINANCE FRIDAYS - In this week's session we will cover adjustments to Social Security & Medicare, as well as the program's outlook under the current political climate.
What do we do when life experiences cause us to feel a lot more unfocused, fearful, and on edge? Join Rachel Gustafson a Certified Financial Planner & Janet Rucker-Smith a Certified Professional Evolutionary Life Coach in exploring how these uncertain times can affect our peace of mind, financially and personally. They will share what you can do NOW to reduce anxiety and create more financial and emotional balance.
Have you recently been laid off or taken a severance package and thinking about retiring? Or maybe you just want to understand what your options are when you do leave a job. In this webinar we will discuss 6 different options that you have to choose from and some common mistakes so you can hopefully avoid them.
There has been a LOT of information put out in the media on the CARES Act and changes it brings. This short 30 minute Webinar will outline the highlights of need to know information including changes to unemployment, distributions from retirement plans, Federal student loans & more.
The SECURE Act changes the retirement rules for individuals and companies, which means current and future retirement plans need to be reviewed and adjusted. In this webinar we will discuss the SECURE Act and how it impacts you and your retirement planning.
Have you recently been laid off or have you left a job and are wondering what your options are in regards to your 401K? Here are 6 options and the pros and cons of each.